Maria Jenell
3 min readFeb 16, 2020

What We Need to Remember About Dreams

Do you still have dreams? Now that we’re well into our adult years? Visions of a beautiful, abundant future with lots of laughter and dinner parties?

I do. I’ve always been a dreamer.

Which is why I left the corporate world more than 15 years ago, work freelance to pursue my passions and to have more freedom with my time, and why I’ve been living in Spain for 9 years.

And throughout these years, I’ve made some conclusions about DREAMS.

Before I moved to Spain, I lived in a land far far away…’s called, Los Angeles.

I had a big dream to be a television presenter on my own travel show which I would co-create and produce. This dream lasted 7 years.

When I look back at it now, all of the training and coaching I received from my incredible mentors in LA not only helped to prepare me for my on-camera presence, they’ve become some of the most valuable life lessons that seem more relevant to my life today, than when I was a bright-eyed, and somewhat naive, young girl.

And LA is not an easy place to live. I may have traded my morals for the greasy hands of the likes of someone like Harvey Weinstein (thank you L. Rosen, you sleazy douchebag, for being the last straw to drive me out of LA). Or I could be married to someone twice my age and look like one of the Kardashians.

Dreams are like relationships. Some are meant to last forever. And some are only meant to last for a short while.

LA was one of my short whiles. And when I look back at all that I learned, how much I grew, and how much fun I had (Playboy mansion parties, if those walls could talk) it’s impossible to see any of that as a failure to the dream.

Perhaps the purpose of some dreams lies in its pursuit, not in its achievement.

Have you ever come so close to one of your dreams….where you’ve actually lived it at times, felt it, saw it, smelled it, touched it…..absolutely relished in it?? But deep down you knew that ‘something’ just isn’t right? But not a little ‘something,’ like no hot sauce on the table, wtf? But more of a there’s a knife in my stomach ‘something’?

Yeah, that one really hurts.

Let me tell you a story. A dear friend of mine seemed to have it all. She had a thriving career, made loads of cash, was a super athlete, had a husband and two healthy children, and she had just bought their huge, family dream home. Oh, and everyone loved (and loves her).

And one day, she found her husband in bed with someone close to the family.

Dream shattered. In a fleeting moment. Marriage ruined. House gone.

I can tell this story because today, she’s married to a man she’s madly in love with, who’s madly in love with her, families blended together, they travel the world, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen or known her to be happier. She’s divinely radiant :)

So this leads me to another conclusion…sometimes dreams get shattered because they were the wrong dream. And they’re meant to be recreated.

Sometimes we need to let go of a dream in order to let another dream, far greater than we could have ever imagined, manifest into our lives.

And that’s so much easier said than done, holy hell.

This takes an incredible amount of strength and faith.

Faith in yourself. Faith that something MUCH GREATER is coming.

We can always recreate our dreams. Nothing is a failure, little darling. Every life experience can be a beautiful memory, a lesson to learn, a story to tell, a bit of wisdom to share, and a step closer to recreating our dreams.

And it’s especially important to have FUN in the re-creation process. Recreation!

And to remember to step back, willing to receive the makings of our new dreams, far greater than we could have ever imagined.

Maria Jenell
Maria Jenell

Written by Maria Jenell

Coach residing in Spain. I’m a passionate human who loves traveling, non-virtual connection, music, & gastronomy. People over AI.

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